Monday, February 18, 2008 

Trevor's New Favorite Nanny

It is never easy to get adjusted to any new environment and get acquainted with a complete group of strangers. It would usually take me sometime to make new friends especially I am very mindful of other people’s attitude. Being judgmental, I don’t easily put immediate liking to any new person even if others say they are very kind people with pleasant character. Don’t get me wrong here though. Nobody is causing any problem to me, just that I don’t tend to trust any new person that comes to my life until I truly get to know him or her.

I believe children’s thinking would be the same, especially for those who are able to differentiate between what they like and don’t like. However, for a baby as young as 12 months and below, they would normally accept whatever the situations they may be in. For them, it would be just beyond their control to say “no” to anything they don’t like and “yes” to what they might like. Now my youngest grandson falls into this category. He has to agree with anything that his parent think is best for him whether or not he agree with his little whimsical thinking!

And one other change that happened today is he has been moved from the baby-care centre to my cousin-in-law’s home! Now the reason is that he doesn’t seem to be able to adjust himself with the day-care activities and he has been falling unwell most of the time since he started his day there. We adults were thinking that it could be that he doesn’t have enough sleep hours and those other babies and young ones who are up and about would easily disturb his peaceful afternoon nap. Just you imagine how noisy that day-care centre can be the whole day through! Poor Little Sheriff! We call my CIL’s home “Curtin Nursery” all because her home is located near to Curtin University and we also joked that “Little Sheriff” will graduate faster while in university! LOL!

This afternoon just after noon, I called my DIL and asked her about how Little Sheriff is doing at his new university. She replied saying that this morning when she handed him to my CIL, he eagerly hugged her and put a wide smile on his face. He turned round and waved happily at his mother as she left them at the front door and went to work. Well, that is already good news for me, the “grandma that always worry when it comes to the welfare of her family". I know that whatever I am doing for my family is for the best of every body. So far I can say, I am doing quite well with carrying out my responsibilities.

“God puts each morning, each new chance of life, into our hands as a gift to see what we will do with it.”

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Wednesday, February 13, 2008 

Trevor's First Baby Steps

So many interesting things happen since beginning of the year.

Nigel goes back to pre-school whereas Nicole has just started hers and Trevor started his days at Baby Care Nursery Centre since the fourth week of January.

Much of the changes that I could see are more on Trevor’s development progression. One obvious act I noticed is that Trevor enjoys imitating us adults in making all sorts of sounds and he especially enjoys counting. He would use his right pointer finger and hit his left palm mumbling the sound of “three” with “tee” and kept repeating the sound “tee” on every other numbers following three until when it comes to number ten, he will say “ten” and clapped his hands together to show that he succeeded in his baby counting! Such an awesome improvement in terms of his development from a premature-born baby to what he is now!

This couples of days, for over a week or so now, he is beginning to take his first baby steps and he couldn’t wait to even start running a marathon across the room! A very courageous little baby indeed! Whenever he dropped down on his bottom, he’ll yell out and gestures to us adults to help him up on his feet. Once up, he blows us a kiss and giggle away taking a few more steps across the room.

Blessed me Lord! I couldn’t believe that pretty soon Trevor will be having Nigel and Nicole to play with and fought over their toys too, that is! What can I say? I am just overjoyed to see my grandchildren have grown up to become little young boys and girls who are now able to have a reason or two of their own when it comes to choosing toys to have, what games to play, why they want to play outside even when the its raining, why they don’t want what they don’t like and what not!

Next task for us adults to have in our training lists will be potty training for Trevor. Until that happens, I will leave it to his parent to take care of. As for me, I’ll be there for them whenever they need me.

In spite of turmoil around the world, in our little home there is peace, joy, and laughter and that’s what I call “the simple joys of life”! So, don’t forget to enjoy your family every day of your life and as much as you can. Amen!

~ He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise ye the Lord. ~ Psalm 113:9


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  • I'm PurpleChocolate
  • From Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia
  • A Mirian, mother, grandmother and career woman. Enjoy an ideal and simple lifestyle complete with tastefully good home and beautiful family. To R&R, I like socializing and clubbing with down-to-earth friends. Good company is an aroma in everyday life!
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